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Stink Eye

September 8, 2011

Yesterday was a pitiful day on the front. James and Jasper both woke up at 6:30 and by 6:45 I had cancelled all plans that involved social contact and strapped on a helmet.

James’ nose was running and his digestive system was slapping him around a bit. That was my excuse for him. His excuse for him was that I am clearly out to destroy all sources of joy and light in his life. Jasper is teething. That was my excuse for him. His excuse for him is that I am obviously the one responsible for the jagged shards of glass ripping through his gums.

I was not exactly the poster child of parenting yesterday. James would give me the stink eye and I would be like, “boy, I invented the stink eye!”

After remembering that I have several years of maturity on my children, I tried a different tack.

I asked James what would make him feel better when he gets frustrated. He said that an apology from me and a really big snack would probably work.

He didn’t ask me what would make me feel better when I get frustrated. But if he had, I would have said an apology from whoever invented three-year-olds and a really big rum ball.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. tom permalink
    September 9, 2011 2:55 am

    i immediately thought of this:


    or >:|


    • Claire permalink*
      September 12, 2011 9:27 pm

      Haha! I didn’t even have to click the link to know which one it was. That kid and James should have a show down.

  2. Davida permalink
    September 12, 2011 11:50 am

    Lachlan’s phrase for me these days, when I do something that is not of “choice” for him….

    very emphatically…”I DON’T LIKE THIS DAY!”

    a few weeks back, after much reading of Alexander and the horrible terrible no good very bad day….When again, I (of course it was all me) did something wrong…Lachlan was moving to Australia, that only lasted until I told him I would pack his suitcase…then he broke into fits of giggles and we were all better for that round…..oh the joys!

    • Claire permalink*
      September 12, 2011 9:31 pm

      Sometimes I wish it would cross James’ mind to move to Australia. I have his suitcase packed just in case.

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